Monday, February 1, 2016

iPhone 7 Design Changes

This is an even year (2016). That means that Apple will be releasing a iPhone with a fresh design. Not simply an "S" version with higher quality internals. Being that there is a brand new design waiting for us right around the corner, a lot of people can't help but to speculate what that design will entail. We gathered up all of our favorite rumors, and put them into one neat pile for you. First: The new iPhone will be removing the headphone jack. Apple has apparently decided that no one needs the headphone jack anymore. We don't necessarily agree, as there are plenty of 3rd party products out there that utilize the headphone jack as a means to connect their device to the iPhone, it is possible that this might not be as big of a deal as previously assumed. Even if Apple does decide to remove the iPhone jack, the lightning charging port will likely remain, meaning that those 3rd party devices would still have a means to connect, they would just need to undergo a design upgrade. In which case, why not just upgrade to Bluetooth. I mean, its 2016. C'mon now. The most popular belief as to why Apple would do something like this is one, because they might be planning to incorporate Bluetooth earbuds from here on out, and two, because they might be planning to make the next iPhone waterproof, which brings us to our next rumor.

Second: The next iPhone might be waterproof! That's right. The next iPhone's design might be made capable of withstanding water right out of the box. While this would obviously be a huge win for iPhone fans everywhere, don't forget that Samsung had already incorporated this into their Galaxy Active years ago, as did multiple other phones.

Third: Apple is speculated to release more than just one sized iPhone this year, just like they did in 2014 with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, however, instead of releasing two size options, rumor has it that Apple will be releasing three! The chances of this happening are actually pretty high. Introducing three sizes of iPhones would allow Apple to reach a wider audience, as everyone has their own taste when it comes to size.

Four: As the years go by, the quality of phone displays are continuously getting better and better. There are rumors floating around that the iPhone 7 will be featuring a bezel-less screen. Similar to the one below.

While bezel-less screens do exist, and there is no doubt that they are awesome, this technology has quite a ways to go, and it is unlikely that we will be seeing it in any phones for a few more years to come.

There is surely an endless supply of rumors out there. We have simply decided to pick our favorites. However, if there a great rumor that you think should have been included, feel free to mention it in the comment section below!

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